




    Instructor name: 

    Kevin Riegle, M.Ed

    Certified Athletic Trainer

    Email: kevin.riegle@dvusd.org

    Office Hours:Virtual Class Meetings

    Zoom Meeting TBD in Canvas- (Announcement section)

    And By appointment

     Message me anytime and I will  try to respond within 24 hours or less.







    Health Teacher


    Physical Education/Health Teacher

           Deer Valley High School

    Department Coordinator/Certified Athletic Trainer/Head Track/Cross Country Coach

           Deer Valley High School


    Final Exams: June 28th & 29th Summer 2022- May 23rd-June 27th

    Health Course Description: Health will provide students with the skills and knowledge to make personal health decisions and maintain a healthy environment. Meets the health portion of the graduation requirement. Required with a physical education core class. 

    Course Topics: 

    Health Skills/Character

    Mental/Emotional Health

    Nutrition and Exercise

    Communication and Relationships 

    Internet Safety


    Endocrine and Reproductice Systems

    First Aid/CPR


    Specific Course Requirements/Expectations:

    You must have internet access and a device in order to log into Canvas and complete your work. Students will complete 8 hours of worktime each week and document this in their eslogs. Students will participate in discussions with appropriate language and respect to others.Students will turn all items in on-time and meet deadlines. Students will message me via Canvas with all questions and concerns.


    Required Readings:

    In this course, we will be using the textbook Health Essentials Goodheart Wilcox (2021). The student will have online access in canvas.

    Testing Procedures:

    You will be given 1 test/checkpoint at the end of each chapter and a final test during the last week of class reviewing the first 8 chapters.

    Grading Procedures:

    Grades will be updated within 72 hours of being submitted. All work should be turned in by the due date. Work that is more than 2 weeks late will only be available by setting up an appointment with Mr. Riegle to create a plan to get caught up. 

    Grading Scales:

    Grades will be weighted at 50% Homework/50% Assessments 

    90-100% = A

    80-89%  =B

    70-79%  =C

    60-69%  =D

    59% & below = F

    Assignments and Projects:

    The assignments within the modules must be completed in order. Do not skip around. Do not take the Unit Test until you have completed each assignment.

    Each Unit consists of the following activities: Vocab Games/Quizzes, Vocab flash cards,discussion boards, enrichment activities and a checkpoint.

    Class Participation:

    Students must communicate with other students in the discussion board, students are expected to communicate with the instructor as a learning resource, and students must check frequently for announcements.


    Participation is required,  learn how to navigate in the learning management system, keep abreast of course announcements, use the message system within Canvas as opposed to a personal email address, address technical problems immediately, and observe course netiquette at all times.

    Communication Guidelines:


    • Use the internal email message system in Canvas only.
    • Always include a subject line.
    • Remember without facial expressions some comments may be taken the wrong way. Be careful in wording your emails. Use of emoticons might be helpful in some cases.
    • Use standard fonts.
    • Do not send large attachments without permission.
    • Special formatting such as centering, audio messages, tables, html, etc. should be avoided unless necessary to complete an assignment or other communication.
    • Respect the privacy of other class members

    Discussion Groups:

    • Review the discussion threads thoroughly before entering the discussion.
    • Try to maintain threads by using the "Reply" button rather starting a new topic.
    • Do not make insulting or inflammatory statements to other members of the discussion group. Be respectful of other’s ideas.
    • Be patient and read the comments of other group members thoroughly before entering your remarks.
    • Be cooperative with group leaders in completing assigned tasks.
    • Be positive and constructive in group discussions.
    • Respond in a thoughtful and timely manner.


    • Introduce yourself to the other learners in the chat session.
    • Be polite. Choose your words carefully. Do not use derogatory statements.
    • Be concise in responding to others in the chat session.
    • Be prepared to open the chat session at the scheduled time.
    • Be constructive in your comments and suggestion.

    Technical Support:

    From time to time Canvas may go down. Return later to attempt to login and continue working. If problem persists, please contact me through e-mail. Please do not hesitate to message me with any issues you may be having with Canvas.