• PLC graphic                                           

    During the 23-24 school year, teams of teachers, curriculum/professional development teacher leaders, instructional coaches, and principals will meet most Fridays to answer the four critical questions that drive  Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) :

      1. What do we want students to know and be able to do?

      2. How will we know students have learned?

      2a. What instructional practices will produce our best results? 

      3. What do we do if students have not learned?

      4. What do we do when students have already shown mastery?

    During this collaborative time, teams look at essential standards and create pathways to effectively ensure students master the standards. Teams create assessments to monitor learning and use the data to guide instruction and determine next steps, such as re-engagement, to help when they have not mastered the learning, or extension when they have mastered the content.

    The district has embraced this process and will continue to actively support staff in this important work. Our students deserve our best. PLCs provide the framework for all staff to work collaboratively for the success of ALL.



    DVUSD is a Model PLC (Professional Learning Community) District! As 1 of 25 globally recognized model districts, DVUSD shows commitment to the PLC @ Work process, implemented PLC concepts for at least 3 years & presents clear evidence of student learning!




    Building Capacity with a Model Professional Learning Community Teacher Leader

    As a Model PLC Teacher Leader, Kristin Eagar has evolved into an embodiment of collaboration, growth and innovation. Her journey began with a passion for sharing ideas, exploring effective teaching strategies, and nurturing a culture of continuous learning. Year after year she has continued to improve her instructional skills but has also transformed into a leader who inspires and empowers her colleagues. For Kristin’s Model PLC Teacher Leader project, she chose a theme that resonates deeply with herself and educators at her campus, “The Power of First Instruction”. Recognizing that the initial moments of a lesson play a pivotal role in student engagement and comprehension, Kristin aims to guide her fellow teachers in enhancing their first instructional interactions. When given the opportunity, she was excited to support her campus by delivering components of the new classroom instruction that works content in a school-wide professional learning session. Kristin engages her colleagues with collaborative structures and best practices that mirror what is defined as Best First Instructional Practices. Kristin will continue to work through the 2023-24 school year supporting Union Park. Thank you Kristin. You are #Extraordinary!

When are PLC Fridays?

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  • Quotes


    In my entire career, the single best professional development I have ever witnessed is that of the power of PLCs. Together, teachers are the key to moving our students forward. Dedicated time for collaboration sets it apart."

                                                                                                                                                          - Dr. Curtis Finch


    Our team has come a long way but we didn’t get there alone. Our school leaders and district trainers were with us every step of the way. We accomplished what we have because they didn’t give up on us. They believed in us before we learned to believe in ourselves.

                                                                                                                                                         -Model PLC Teacher Leader


    "Let me start by saying that this year’s new PLC implementation by Aspire’s High School teachers has been challenging.  It is the first year we will be implementing true PLC with common assessments and it got off to a rocky start.  However, I attended the first meeting for the MTL year 1 and chose to make some adjustments to how we ran meetings and truly considered the meeting in my agenda, and may I just say, I was blown away by the focused, student-centered conversations and work in our PLC this afternoon.  There are no words to describe what a night and day difference having roles, norms, and taking into communication into account did for our PLC team.  This is for the whole PLC team that ran the first training.  It was engaging and applicable.  I have never had something that worked so effectively and so quickly and I am looking forward to continuing to be a part of this year’s MTL team. "

                                                                                                                                                          - Social Studies Teacher


    "My teachers told me that they are so excited to start the school year because there is a strong focus.  This week has done amazing things to help teachers understand the standards and the CFA cycle.  Also, there is great relationship building with our teachers and our partnering schools!”

                                                                                                                                                           - K-6 Principal


    In my entire career, the single best professional development I have ever witnessed is that of the power of PLCs. Together, teachers are the key to moving our students forward. Dedicated time for collaboration sets it apart."

                                                                                                                                                            - Kindergarten Teacher


    "I am so blessed to have the BEST Math PLC Team. We all work so well together, we are on the same page, and we share out ideas and strategies. We challenge each other to push out of our comfort zone and try new things. The data of our students show that GROWTH is occurring and it is because of our PLC commitments. YAHOO!"

                                                                                                                                                             - 5th Grade Teacher

  • Transportation on PLC
    Buses run exactly 90 minutes earlier every PLC Friday afternoon. See the schedule on the Start and Dismiss Times page.
  • why



    Learning By Doing, Solution Tree Press, Solutiontree.com

    Why Do We Have A Shared Vision of District-wide PLCs?


    A shared vision shows where we want to go and what we will be like when we get there.  Vision gives shape and direction to the organization’s future.  

    Shared Vision

    Why Should We Collaborate?


    Quality teaching is not an individual accomplishment, it is the result of a collaborative culture that empowers teachers to team up to improve student learning beyond what any one of them can achieve alone.  (Carroll, 2009).
