
    Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)
    The mission of the Constitution PBIS Team is to create a positive school environment by providing students and teachers with proactive strategies through the use of a school-wide system and class discussions.
    The foundation for our PBIS Program is our school rules: At Constitution we SOAR: Safe, On Task, Accountable and Respectful.  Staff members frequently recognize students for following our school-wide procedure and expectations. Students are given SOAR Bucks which they fill out and can buy prizes every Wednesday during lunch at our SOAR store.  They can also use the SOAR bucks for school-wide grade level drawings.
    Once a week, every classroom also participates in a Be Kind Lesson. This  social / emotional discussion focuses on a designated topics such as be encouraging, supportive, positive, helpful, honest, considerate, thankful, responsable, respectful and be a friend. This program is vital in creating a positive environment not only in each classroom but school-wide. Please ask your child each week about their Class Discussion.
    You can find more information about Be Kind here
    Bullying Policy

    Constitution is committed to a safe environment for all students. If anytime a student feels like they are being bullied they need to report the incident immediately to their teacher or to somebody in the front office and the matter will be investigated. To see a copy of the Deer Valley Unified School District's policy on bullying, which also contains a form to report a bullying incident, please click here