Book Fair: February 5-9, 2024
  • Spring Book Fair Coming Soon! February 5-9, 2024. Set-up you eWallet at

    Posted by Amanda Meyerhofer on 1/16/2024 9:35:00 AM
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  • Happy Fall Bobcats!

    Posted by Amanda Meyerhofer on 10/6/2023

    Our book fair is coming up:  October 23-27, 2023 in the library!  Set-up your eWallet now on the book fair page and check out the digital book flyer.

    Enter our contest for your chance to win a prize at the Book Fair! To participate in the contest, your student will write a short story titled "Humpty Had A Great Fall." The story will be about how Humpty Dumpty enjoyed the fall season. Illustrations are optional but encouraged. Students in Kindergarten-6th Grade are eligible to participate. Only one entry per student. Story should be the original work of the student. If there is concern about the legibility of the student's handwriting, you may include a typed copy of the story as well. Entries are due to the library by October 18. Please have your student write their name, grade level, and teacher on the BACK page of their story. Have fun writing!

    Humpty had a great fall

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Welcome Back Bobcats!
  • Welcome Back Bobcats!

    Posted by Amanda Meyerhofer on 8/24/2023
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  • End of the Year

    Posted by Amanda Meyerhofer on 4/17/2023

    The last day to check out a book is April 28, 2023.  All books are due back to the library by May 8, 2023.

    If you have lost or damaged a book and need to pay the fine, please visit: TouchBase Signin ( to pay or you may bring in cash (exact amount please- I do not have change) to the library.

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  • Battle of the Books- Round 2

    Posted by Amanda Meyerhofer on 1/2/2023

    Our second round for Battle of the Books will take place in the Copper Creek Library on Monday, January 23 at 1:45 PM. 

    Parents/guardians are welcome to attend but no video recording is allowed.

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