• Course Description  

    The aim of this course is to develop an appreciation of social, cultural, political, and economic heritage of the world and our nation. Included is an examination of America’s emergence as a pluralistic and multi-dimensional society, democratic system, and world power. Emphasis will be placed upon the modern era coupled with appropriate comparisons to earlier historical periods of early civilization. Geographic, economic, and governmental issues will also be applied where appropriate. This course covers Arizona State Standards in World History and is required for graduation.  


    Course Objectives  

    Upon successful participation in and completion of this course, students will be able to:  

    • Apply chronological and spatial thinking to understand the meaning, implications, and importance of historical events. 

    • Demonstrate knowledge of research sources and apply appropriate research methods, including point-of-view contained within primary and secondary sources. 

    • Develop historical interpretations in terms of the complexity of cause and effect in the context in which ideas and past events unfolded. 

    • Use geographic knowledge, skill, and perspectives to explain past, present, and future issues.  

    • Develop interpersonal and communication skills for success in the real world.


    How to Get Started

    Arrive promptly before 12:00 pm at the Boulder Creek High School campus. We dismiss promptly at 3:30 pm. Monday - Friday beginning May 30th. This course is in-person only.

    Log in to Canvas online or with the Canvas app (iOs/Android).

    Parents can also log in to Canvas to observe classes and student progress. Parents even have their very own app: Canvas Parent.

    Learn more about accessing Canvas as a Parent!


    Tips for Success

    Arrive with a good attitude. Ensure that your device is fully charged. Be prepared to work on assignments without the distraction of your cellphone and participate!


    Class Expectations

    To be successful, you must make sure you have established some guidelines to help you.

    1. Make sure you stay focused and avoid distractions.

    2. Keep your phone away while you are learning material. You may listen to music while you are working on assignments.

    3. Make sure you attend class.  Attendance is mandatory for you to earn credit and interact with the teacher.

    4. Take note of what you are learning and why.

    5. On Canvas, make sure to check for assignments and their due dates.

    6. When you read through assignments, make sure to go through all the directions.  If you have questions, ask the teacher.

    7. Double-check your work before you submit it to Canvas.

    8. Take your time as you do your work, but don't wait until the last minute.

    9. Keep at it; you'll get it.

    10. Smile. It's easier than frowning.

    I will check email/Canvas outside of school hours. If I don't reply right away, I may be responding to another student or grading completed assignments. Please be patient as I try to keep communication open.


    A daily schedule follows below:

    1. All students are required to be seated in class from 12:00 PM until 3:30 PM

    • Attendance will be taken

    • Complete a bellwork/discussion assignment

    • Receive a preview of the day's learning

    • Have an opportunity to ask questions

    2. Instructional time from 12:15 PM until 3:00 PM

    • Students will be completing assignments in Canvas after direction instruction.

    • We will take regular breaks.  Students are not allowed to leave the building nor bring food to class. 

    • Students may only have water with them in class.

    3. Review and closure 3:15 - 3:30 pm

    Remember, completing your assignments during instructional hours ensures you do not have homework! 


    Coursework Pacing:

    • Students will meet daily with the teacher of record as outlined above.

    • Students will not be permitted to work ahead.

    • New content will be available daily.

    • Coursework is expected to be completed that day

    • There is no homework unless the daily coursework is not completed.

    • DVUSD Pathways gradebook begins at a ZERO (0%) percent.  Students establish their final grade through participation and completion of all course work

    • Student active participation is expected.


    The Pathways' attendance policy:

    • Students are allowed two (2) absences

    • On the third (3rd) absence, the student is subject to withdrawal

    • Students greater than 10 minutes late for class will be charged for an absence.

    • Students may opt to appeal the withdrawal