DVUSD Assessment

  • DVUSD Assessment Philosophy

    Assessment is the systematic collection of data about student learning based on standards and the use of that data to create a continuous cycle of improved teaching and learning. The DVUSD learning community believes that assessment is for student learning, is student-centered and involves a commitment by all stakeholders.


    DVUSD Assessment Intent

    District assessments are a part of an effective assessment system intended to determine both a current student performance level and measure of the guaranteed and viable, standards-based curriculum implemented across the district. In order to inform instruction, measure student learning, and close achievement gaps, DVUSD endorses the use of diverse classroom assessment data, such as formative, summative, performance-based, portfolio, and student observation. Results are used in conjunction with district, state, and national assessment data to form a picture of student learning. DVUSD celebrates data indicators that provide opportunity for growth in the goal of providing an extraordinary educational experience for all students.


    DVUSD Approach to Assessment

    DVUSD’s approach to assessment includes appropriate periodicity within each content area and a focus on five measurement purposes:

    • baseline (beginning level of knowledge prior to instruction)
    • inform instruction (level of understanding throughout instruction)
    • show content mastery (summative)
    • gauge student growth (summary of learning attained over a period of time)
    • predict success (expectation of future performance)


    State Acheivement Testing Information Click Here
    AASA (grades 3-8)
    ACT Aspire (grade 9)
    ACT (grade 11)
    AzSCI (grades 5, 8, and 11)
    PSAT Testing Information
    Click Here