Class Information

  •   Ms. Cole- Art Teacher

    Course: Visual Art - Room: 414

    Art Teacher: Ms. Cole


    Web Page/Canvas Site:                            


    Course Description:

    In art class, students will be introduced to various projects and activities that will help develop their visual communication and critical thinking skills. Students will gain an awareness of how to use the elements of art and principles of design in artworks created through drawing, painting, sculpting, and other mixed media. Students are graded on studio projects, sketchbook assignments, quizzes and class participation.  

    Course Objectives:


    In middle school, students will be made aware of the creative processes of art, which includes brainstorming, problem solving, analyzing and evaluating art. Design problems are solved using visual art structures and functions, while leaving room for a student's own personal ideas and artistic style.

    These components are part of a complete system-wide approach to creating and encouraging respectful staff-student relationships by changing the way schools address student behavior.

    Classroom Behavior Expectations:

    • Students are required to come to class with a positive attitude, a sharpened pencil and eraser, a fully charged chromebook, chromebook charger, and a sketchbook(these will be made in class).

    • Students will be respectful of others and their property.

    • Students must properly handle and care for all art materials. Breaking, bending, destructing, wasting or throwing away materials is not appropriate or allowed. 

    • Students will refrain from defacing classroom property (furniture), themselves, and others.

    • Students are responsible for cleaning up their work space and supplies.


    Please contact the teacher for any student concerns.  It is crucial that teachers, parents, and students maintain open lines of communication in order to ensure the best support for student success.  Contact information is provided at the top page of this syllabus.