• Welcome to DVHS!

    Biology Curriculum:

    Welcome to Biology!  We are looking forward to a great year and hope you are excited about this class.  Biology is the science of life and of living organisms.  Because we are living organisms, biology has special meaning. Through the study of biology, you will gain insight into the living world around you and a deeper understanding of yourself.

    Our curriculum is based on unique storylines that will include student investigations. These storylines cover all the Arizona State Life Science Standards while creating a fun and exciting science experience. The curriculum is meant to be student driven and spark critical thinking. The following storylines will be covered throughout the year: 

    Fall Semester:

    -Africa and Homeostasis           

    Spring Semester:

    -Disease (includes the viewing of GATTACA - rated PG-13) and Melanin



    Psychology Curriculum:

    • The nature of psychological science

    • Research methods and measurements used to study behavior and mental processes

    • Ethical issues in research with human and non-human animals

    • Basic concepts of data analysis

    • Structure and function of the nervous system and endocrine system in human and non-human animals

    • The interaction between biological factors and experiences

    • Fundamental processes of thinking and problem solving

    • Effective thinking processes

    • Methods and issues in lifespan development

    • Physical, cognitive, and social development across the lifespan (prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, emerging adulthood, adulthood, and older adulthood)

    • Social cognition

    • Social influence

    • Perspectives of abnormal behavior

    • Categories of psychological disorders