• DVUSD Pathways 

    Who can enroll in DVUSD Pathways?
    Any currently enrolled full-time high school student in the Deer Valley Unified School District.

    Why would a student enroll at DVUSD Pathways?
    Students enroll to accelerate their learning, provide flexibility, and recover credit.

    Do I have to pay for a course?
    DVUSD Pathways is tuition free for DVUSD high school students. No payment is required.

    What curriculum does DVUSD Pathways use?
    DVUSD Pathways curriculum is the Deer Valley Unified School District’s approved high school curriculum. Curriculum is in alignment with the state and national curriculum standards.

    How does a student enroll in the program?
    - Students begin with making an appointment with their homeschool counselor.
    - The student and counselor will review the transcript and the current Pathways’ course offerings. An enrollment form will be completed during this meeting.
    - Students take the enrollment form home for parent/guardian review along with the student contract where signatures are secured on the forms.
    - Student then returns the signed enrollment form and student contract to the home school counselor. Student name will be placed on the enrollment document.
    - There are times that a “wait list” is created due to the enrollment numbers for a particular class.

    How long is an enrollment period?
    Two seven (7) week enrollment periods are offered during the fall and spring semesters of the current school year. Sum-mer school enrollment is four (4) weeks in the month of June.

    What courses are offered?
    There is a five (5) course offering menu per seven week enrollment period. The focus in the fall and spring are core clas-ses: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Summer school broadens the course selection to include electives.

    How many courses am I able to take in the Pathways program?
    Pathways conducts two block sessions. Students are able to enroll in one course per block offering. Please note, some course offerings are listed with both semesters within the same class (ex: Biology 1 or 2, English Language Arts 3 or 4). A student would choose the semester to focus on within the seven week offerings.

    Is DVUSD Pathways supplying technology devices to students?
    No, technology devices are being supplied by the home school. Barry Goldwater students will be provided chrome books.
    All other high schools will be issuing iPads to their students.
    What does a student/family do if they are experiencing technology issues?

    DVUSD has provided a student/family Help Desk site for technology trouble shooting.

    What is the grading scale?
    DVUSD Pathways uses the current district grading policy, 80% for daily assignments, quizzes, unit tests, projects and 20% for the final exam.

    How are grades tracked?
    Grades will be input in Canvas then sync to Power Teacher Pro Gradebook in Power School. The Canvas grades will be turned off for viewing purposes. The Power Teacher Pro grade book is the source for stakeholders to confirm grade sta-tus.
    What support services are provided for Special Education and English Language Learner students? DVUSD Pathways is a “program”. Program status requires “reasonable accommodations” for our special education and ELL learners. Each teacher will receive the individual IEP/504/ELL reports prior to the start date of the enrollment
    period for review. Please note, paraprofessionals or other specific services are not provided through this program.

    How do final exams work?
    Final exams are given on the final day class meets during Week 7 for the fall and spring semesters. Summer school exe-cutes final exams on the final day class meets during Week 4. There are NO early exams.

    How does attendance work for DVUSD Pathways?
    Pathways provides for two (2) absences during an enrollment period. Should a student accrue a 3rd absence, the student is subject to withdraw from the course where the 3rd absence occurred. An absence is a “No Show” to the course or a
    tardy. Students who have accrued a 3rd absence may appeal the withdraw. An appeal of withdraw is not an automatic continuation with the program.