Welcome to the CTE Internship Program for the Deer Valley Unified School District!

  • This program gives you the opportunity to earn a high school credit while working at a job in your chosen career pathway. The courses you have taken in your career pathway will become more meaningful as you experience the real world of work.

    Learning through an Internship Program is based on a three-way partnership involving You, the Coordinator and your Mentor/Supervisor at your place of employment. During this school year I will work closely with you and your supervisor to make this a worthwhile and valuable experience for you. 




    COVID 19 Student, Parent and Staff Updates: https://www.dvusd.org/covid19


    Home Learning Resources for Students & Parents: https://www.dvusd.org/homelearning


    I will reply to all parent and student communication within 1 day during the home learning school week, Monday-Thursday.  


    Final Exams:

    Update as of 4/6/2020:  There will be no final exams for the Spring 2020 semester.  Courses end on May 7 at 11:59pm.


    Virtual Class Meeting Hours:

    High School: Monday and Wednesday 9:00AM-9:30AM



    Please take a moment to read and review the Student handbook here ------>https://www.dvusd.org/domain/7582 .

  • CTE logo new.jpg