• Welcome to DVUSD Pathways!


    About your course

    I am Mr. Mohler and I will be teaching your student during the Fall 2022 Pathways term.  Your course starts on Monday, October 17th at 3:00 pm.  I will be teaching Geometry 1. 
    Geometry begins at 3:00 pm and ends at 5:45 pm, Monday through Thursday.
    Courses START October 17 and END December 8. Attendance will be taken daily at 3:00 pm.

    Additional information:
    •Class will meet daily as outlined above
    •Students will not be permitted to work ahead
    •New content will be available on a daily basis
    •Course work is expected to be completed that day during our scheduled time - no homework

    The Pathways attendance policy:
    •Students are provided two (2) absences
    •On the third (3rd) absence student is subject to withdrawal
    •Students greater than 10 minutes late to class will be charged an absence
    •Students may opt to Appeal withdrawal - Student will receive instructions of Appeal
    ◦Student will submit Appeal information within 24 hours of receipt of Appeal instructions
    I am looking forward to meeting each student on Monday, October 17th, to begin the Fall 2022 Pathways Session!

    Student/Parent Information

    What do students need?
    Charged iPad.
    Students will NOT need smartphones or other electronic distractions.

    Will the students have homework?

    No. They will complete all the necessary work during the day with me.
    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.