• Boulder Creek High School

    Attendance Procedures

    Attendance Line 623-445-8690

    To report FULL Day Absences for your students, CLICK HERE NOW 



    Parents/Guardians must call a student absent within 24 hours from the date of absence.  Personal handwritten notes will NOT be accepted at any time.


    Late Arrivals

    Students who arrive on campus after the first 10 minutes of class start will be marked Excused or Unexcused absence. 

    Excused Absence needs one of the following:

    • A Parent/guardian signs the student in
    • Medical Documentation if the student is at an appointment prior to arriving on campus

    Unexcused Absence   Parent/guardian does not sign the student in or no medical documentation is provided


    No Late or Tardy phone calls or written notes will be accepted at any time.


    Sign Out/Early Dismissal

    Parent/Guardian must come to the front office and show a photo ID before a student is released.

    Please allow ample time to pick your student up for early dismissal.  Students cannot be called up to the office ahead of time to await the arrival of a parent/guardian.


    Driving Students Early Dismissal

    Parents/Guardians may request an early dismissal release form for a driving student to leave campus.  A call must be received at least 2 hours prior to the time your student needs to be dismissed.  Please call the front office at 623-445-8600 or the attendance clerk at 623-445-8607 for the student release form.

    Students must come to the attendance/front office to sign out on the sign-out sheet, in order to be excused.


    • Students arriving late or departing school early must sign in and out each and every time at the attendance/front office.
    • For more specific details about the attendance policy, please refer to the student handbook on the BCHS website under the “For Parents” tab.
    • The attendance line is available 24 hours a day – 623-445-8690
    • For further assistance or questions, please call the attendance clerk at 623-445-8607 or the main office at 623-445-8600.